Friday, March 20, 2015

The Real Part of our Deeds

Niyyat (Intention)

There is an intention behind every action we do which is the most important thing behind a deed. It is essential that one has a sincere intention that anything and everything is being done for the Sake of Allah (SWT). Whatever intention one makes while doing an act is what he will gain out of it. In a Hadith agreed upon by Imam Muslim and Imam Bukhari it is stated: “actions are based on intentions and whoever migrates for Allah and His Messenger then his emigration will be for Allah and His Messenger and whoever migrates to gain the pleasure of this world or to marry a woman then his emigration will be for whatever he intended.” A person will be held accountable based on the intention of their action; not so much on the action. They will get their reward based on the intention. 

Sincerity is the purification of your intention; the action is done solely for the Sake of Allah (SWT). One should always make sure that their intention is pure and whatever they do is done for Him and not for people because that could lead to showing off which falls under Shirk. There is a Hadith in Mishkaat, the Mafhoom of which is: whoever prays to show off has committed Shirk. Whoever fasts to show off has committed Shirk and whoever gives charity to show off has committed Shirk. Behind every act we do, whether it is obligated or a worldly thing should be done for His Sake only. 

Anytime one goes forth with doing something they should take a moment and think to themselves “am I doing this for the Sake of Allah?” One should have fear in their heart that He Almighty is watching everything. It is stated in the Quran that Allah (SWT) said to Prophet (SAW) said: Say! Whether you hide what is in your chest or reveal it, Allah knows it. (Surah Al-Imraan)

Our sincerity shows how strong our Faith is. Every action or doing lies in sincerity. When the companions of the Prophet (SAW) asked him regarding sincerity, he (SAW), said: It is Imaan. 
Every action is based on sincerity and good intention. If one has these things then the heart is pure from worldly desires, temptations, jealousy, etc. The true intention is only known to Allah (SWT) and the position of one’s actions will be disclosed on the Day of Judgment. We may hide it from people and pretend but remember He is All-Knowing!

May Allah guide us on the Right Path and may He purify our hearts and make our intentions pure and sincere. May He accept every action we do and may He forgive all our sins whether done during the day, night, hidden or apparent. Ameen Thumma Ameen! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Replies
    1. I know right! Arunee did such an amazing job MashaAllah! She's just so modest.. 😉
